2024 ACJV update # 4

Hi everyone,

Last week two church members turned up at the vicarage with boxes and boxes of Louisa plums. I had the joy of distributing the plums around Seddon. (As well as sampling a few myself!). Every household that received those plums was so grateful, especially the seasonal employees who are trying to send as much money as possible back home. The Goulter street lads told me that they really enjoy having something juicy and sweet to eat at lunchtime on a hot day. A big thankyou to our generous donors!

Last Sunday I spoke on 1 Corinthians 15 and surveyed some of the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. As part of our preparation for Easter, we will continue to listen to the testimonies of the earliest followers of Jesus.

Six steps to loving your church course has started:

We enjoyed session 1.

"This six-session program is about how to love your church...it's about the part we all play as God's people in loving, serving and building each other up, Sunday by Sunday."

 Each session contains a mix of discussion, Bible study, video input and prayer, along with simple exercises to help you put the ideas into practice on Sunday."

The  six week course starts at 7 pm February 28th, the venue is Rob Cameron's place. Each session  takes about an hour. Feel free to join the course next week.

Here are some upcoming events:

Church AGM

The AGM is after church on March 10. The ministers report, children's ministries report and the finance and property reports can be read on our website here: https://www.acjv.org.nz/blog-3-1

Thank you to everyone who serves our Lord so faithfully in this church!

The Foot Clinic:

(Community Hall). 9 am second Tuesday of the month. Bring a gold coin donation and bring a small towel. 

Lenten Prayers

Lent (the season of preparation for Easter) has snuck up on us. During Lent, Epiphany will be open for prayer every Friday morning. I will open up at 6:30 am (ish), and finish around 7:30 am but just pop in as you are able.

Easter Services

Good Friday: St Peter's, Ward, 10 am.

Easter Sunday: Epiphany, Seddon, 9 am

Revitalise Nelson Report

Rod Thomas from City to City visited us last year and evaluated our church. Bishop Steve is currently prayerfully reflecting on the reports that have been written on the parishes in this diocese. Rod's key recommendations are listed below.

My priority for 2024 will be working on outcomes 1 & 2.

1. Strengthening Christian discipleship 

2. Develop evangelistic pathways.  

3. Increasing community engagement 

4. Improving evangelistic fruitfulness 

5. Strengthening congregational autonomy. 

6. Strengthening whole church unity. 

7. Strengthening ministry to RSE workers.

God Bless, John


Annual Report for Awatere Parish Nurse , Jan - Feb 2024.


2024 Financial & Property Report for AGM