
Have you ever felt overwhelmed by suffering? We’ve all experienced hardships. We’re living in a broken world, so sorrow and hardship is universal. And our sorrows can leave us feeling lost, exhausted and despairing.

But here’s some good news: if we’re united to Christ by faith, we’re not alone in our suffering. Jesus himself endured hardship and suffering during his time on earth. He faced threats, insults and death but chose not to retaliate. Instead, he entrusted himself to God, who is the source of all comfort.

When we suffer, we can turn to Jesus. We don’t need fancy words or pious phrases. We can simply speak honestly to Him, pouring out our hearts. If you’re struggling to find the right words, you’re not alone. That’s where the support of a church community comes in. We can pray together using simple prayers, or apply beautiful prayers of faith from the Bible.

During our suffering, it is a comfort to know that Jesus is with us. He comforts us and helps us persevere through his Spirit. And here’s something remarkable: many have found that through their trials they have come to know Jesus even more deeply. The apostle Paul, for example, endured immense suffering but found comfort in God. And that comfort wasn’t just for him—it was meant to be shared with others. Many followers of Jesus have discovered that their own experiences of suffering and comfort have equipped them to comfort those around them.

So, if you’re suffering, don’t hesitate to seek help. Turn to God, to Scripture, and to followers of Jesus who have experienced God’s comfort. Lean into Jesus and allow Him to comfort and transform your heart.

As we journey through suffering, we can learn to extend God’s comfort to those around us. Whether it’s through a listening ear, a helping hand, or a simple prayer, we can be vessels of God’s comfort in a hurting world.

(This post is a summary of a sermon based on a chapter from Ed Welch’s book Caring for one Another)


2024 ACJV update # 6


2024 ACJV update #5