2024 ACJV update # 7

Hi Church,

In 2022 our Bishop, Steve Maina called for revitalisation. Part of revitalisation is having a clear focus. I have been working on distilling our work in 2022 and 2023 and our consultant’s recommendations into vision and mission statements.

Here are the versions the management team has signed off:

Our Vision for the Awatere:

Christian communities united in Christ,

·         gathering to worship in spirit and truth,

·         pursuing biblical truth,

·         equipped for every good work,

·         joyfully serving as ambassadors of Christ.

Our Mission for 2024 and 2025 is:

Being disciples and making disciples by:

·         developing pathways to Christian faith,

·         gathering to grow in Christ,

·         learning to share the gospel of Jesus Christ effectively.

We are now working on goals and on steps to implement the mission statement.

Seddon Growth Group

This term, beginning on May 8th, we will meet on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm at the Sinclair’s.

Format: we will dig into, pray about, and discuss implementing the scripture that was preached on the previous Sunday. (A recording of the sermon will usually be available on the website).

So, on May 8th we will be discussing 1 Thessalonians 2:17 – 3:13.


We have started RI/Bible at Ward school with around 15 attendees. We love spending time with the young scholars.

We will be studying some of Jesus’ parables at RI.

Sunday School

Our youngsters are working on memorising key scriptures. They will be learning how to find the verses in the Bible and what they mean. The verses cover a range of biblical genre and cover some of the key messages of the Bible (God, sin, Christ, faith, new life).

Sara has developed some nice, laminated sheets with the memory verses to stick on your fridges. And yes, there is bribery, I mean prizes involved.


God Bless, John


Message Sunday May 5

